Sunday, July 15, 2007

Microsoft sued over scratched 360 discs

There goes the bandwagon - care to jump on?

Microsoft just can't get a break with alleged 360 reliability problems. Even though they've dropped a cool billion through extending the warranty to three years globally, it's still not enough. Their latest issue is a class-action lawsuit on the grounds that the 360 damages game discs.

The Washington Post reports that approval was given early this week on Monday for a suit in the District Court of southern Florida. Jorge Brouwer, the plaintiff in the case, alleges that two of his games (Gears of War and Madden NFL 07) stopped working shortly after buying his brand new Xbox 360. Microsoft customer support allegedly would not acknowledge any potential issue with the console itself.

Being rather unhappy with the situation, he's now asking for $5 million in damages.

The suit also alleges that the problem is not isolated to the US - it references a Dutch television program earlier in the year that demonstrated scratched 360 discs through lab tests. Apparently he found the results on Wikipedia, but hasn't had a chance yet to verify them.

Microsoft's response was pretty direct, with spokesman Jack Evans saying, "Out of the millions of Xbox consoles in use, Microsoft has not received any widespread reports of Xbox 360s scratching discs." He also added that Microsoft would replace any first party games for US$20 and that Microsoft was more than willing to examine any Xbox 360 console for any manufacturing issues that may lead to scratched discs.

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